I know I have been absent/sporadic in my posting. I can easily say that I have just been too busy with life, the social aspect of it in general, to post regularly. But there is way more to it than that. For one, I'm bored AS FUCK with everything. Am I the only one who noticed that almost EVERY urban blog post the samethang but with different captioning? Don't get me wrong, I love opinions like I love pizza but the blog surfing has gotten dull. It's the same shit everyday, Beyonce and Jay Z wedding bands, Rihanna overly dressed up and shopping or stopping at a KFC, DMX newest arrest or thick/chubby/fat/chunky girl bashing (because there is a lot of that, like a size 2-4 is normal for the average American woman). I can really do without all that shit.
While doing all this pondering, I came to the conclusion that I was SOUL SEARCHING. Looking for "something else". I don't know exactly what that "something else" is but I know I'll find it. And I also started working on another blog. One that will be more personal and dear to me. I still have some work to do on it. So be looking out for it.
And despite how I am feeling, there are still an array of blogs I do visit. Blogs with fresh and funny content (
Best Week Ever and
Cracked.com). Blogs with new music because you can never go wrong with new music (
What Eye Thought). Horror movie blogs (my favorite genre), beauty (not fashion) blogs and personal blogs (
Kali Bay Bay). Blogs that have more than one aspect to it. And shit like that.
I want to bring this to an end. I am still going to post here. Maybe not so much. I know I can't just abandon this, I'll feel too bad. Just thought I'd give an explanation of what has been going on. Back to our normal schedule.