Tyra on the cover of the new New York Times. They compare her to Martha Stewart and the 'Oprah'. [The bitch is a brand name now. You didn't know? <-- Sweetberries] And it's all bullshit because Tyra is Tyra. Nothing more and nothing less. But why for she look like Angelina Jolie playing black face in a Beyonce body suit? Marinate on that one for a minute.
This Bytch gets on my nerves! I LOVED LOVED LOVED her on ANTM, but when i saw her talk show it made me sick. This bytch is just SO extra and lame, i wanna punch her. When she interviews, she always has to make it about her. NOBODY CARES TYRA! And this pic looks fake Ty has some hips, but they are not that big. I really wish i would have never watched her show. I'm scarred
Tyra is super annoying to me. I cry while watching her talk show. I'll cry harder if it's an episode I actually want to see. I'm scarred too. They need to start some kind of support group.
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