I have this thing for Raven Simone. If I had a dick, she'd be in trouble. And I know, if I had a dick I would not mind bending that chubby ass over. Admiring Raven and her chubby dime swag is only half of what this post is about. Why do people hate? I seen lots of comments talking about she need to back away from the table, put down the hot dogs, and she has too much money to be fat.... Personally, I think she looks great.

Everyone cannot be a size 2. Not everyone is built like that, Beyonce isn't even built like that. Do you what she puts her body through to stay the size she is? And Besides Raven represents a more realistic woman, the average American woman, that can fill her clothes. Just like Jennifer Hudson, Jill Scott and sometimes Trina (dem legs!). It's not like she wears anything inappropriate or not for her body type. So there is no reason to really hate, especially when most of the women (because only women hate it seems) looks like Rick Ross with bigger titties and less facial hair. Please, kiss this bitch placenta please.....
Please read the comments if you check the source
Raven is fukkin hawt.point blank period! the average woman is like what a size 10??? don't no nicca want a bone...the only folk sayin she fat is hatin azz hoz n gay azz niccas...lol I'm glad she hasn't fallen victim to society though, she will tell u in a minute she embraces her fukkin curves!!!! whooo hooo...although i cannot stand her eyebrows..LMAO
I know! LOL the hook look is not cute
I respect your opinion and agree thatthere is nothing wrong with not being a size 2. But lets not forget that there is nothing wrong with being a size 2 either. I can fill my clothes too! lol And there is nothing un-real about me. I just wrote a post about this yesterday. you should check it out.
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