"Rolling down the street smoking indo, sipping on gin and juice." She took her husband words a little too literally:
Shante Broadus, 32, was stopped by police near Highland and Orangethorpe avenues about 12:15 a.m. and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, said Fullerton Police Lt. Craig Brower.
Broadus, a resident of Sherman Oaks, was taken to Fullerton City Jail, where she was booked, issued a citation to appear in court and released, Brower said.
So she was arrested for being blasted while driving. But where the hell was her make-up artists? Does she have a ProActiv prescription? I'm confused! *sigh*
now she looks at hot azz mess...she actually looks like the MARTA GIRL!!! LOL
K@LiENTe said...
now she looks at hot azz mess...she actually looks like the MARTA GIRL!!! LOL
*withers away and dies* LMAO
farreal watch...i'mma show u! lol
Go head n view my blog..Maybe it was the marta girl and she used Chantes name?? LMMFAO
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