For the first time ever Italy Vogue will feature only Black models in the pages of their July 2008 issue. And finally!!! Black women (as a collective) are one of the biggest fashion consumers (we spend $20 billion a year on clothes!)in the world. But still, we aren't really represented on the runways and in commercials. Luckily, there are still photographers like Steve Meisel out there that know the real:
For the July issue of Italian Vogue, Mr. Meisel has photographed only black models. In a reverse of the general pattern of fashion magazines, all the faces are black, and all the feature topics are related to black women in the arts and entertainment. Mr. Meisel was given roughly 100 pages for his pictures. The issue will be on European newsstands next Thursday and in the United States soon after.
Under its editor, Franca Sozzani, Italian Vogue has gained a reputation for being more about art and ideas than commerce. Ms. Sozzani also doesn’t mind controversy.

I only read VOGUE on occasion (i.e When I'm in a really nice restroom in like Nordstrom's or Bloomingdales. The bathrooms are top notch by the way!) but I will be sure to pick up this issue. And this adds on to America being on the verge of having a FIRST BLACK FAMILY in the white house.

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